Saturday, August 23, 2014

Self Portraits

I met Eric Bolander in the summer of 2013 at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Eric teaches high school art in Lexington, and at the time, I taught middle school in Indianapolis. The next several posts serve as a record of our time spent together in Cincinnati as well as some other fun art related things that happened . . . This is Mr. Bolander's studio. Above is a self portrait he did in oil on a wooden board. Below is one done by Mr. Beal. Both were created while at the Art Academy.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Terracotta Warriors at the Indianapolis Children's Museum

Mr. Beal got to see real-life Terracotta Warriors at the Indianapolis Children's Museum, but unfortunately there was a little mishap.

Bolander: Here is the first challenge. Select a work of art, and break it. Post a photo to our blog and talk about why you chose the piece.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Bolander Cartoon

Here is a portrait of Mr. Bolander drawn by one of his students. Very talented, he must have a good teacher.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Missing Bolander

This is Beal at the very end of his second summer with Jason Kunk and Jessica Bohart, both just graduated. The last day of the program is always a sad day. Mr. Beal has one more summer in the program.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Mr. Bolander recently got to see a Frida Kahlo painting in person. He is still working on a unibrow.

Above is the wall outside of Mr. Beal's classroom, which displays a different work of art each day. Frida usually makes an appearance a couple of times a year.